
Enhanced Sharing Experience on Spotify


Let's face it... we've all been guilty of secretly spying on our friends' Spotify playlists... 

Working closely with our pals at Ogilvy NYC, we tapped into that secret urge to peak behind the 'Spotify curtain’ and discover what your closest companions listen to - be it your best friend, parents, ex, neighbour (pet!?), a Top Songs Playlist can reveal hidden depths!

Using the Samsung Galaxy Flip5 as our story telling device, we enter the uniquely different worlds of people’s user listening habits, finding out just what makes them tick! From glitch core to nu disco, each film explores a distinct music genre, and asks the age-old question: how well do you really know someone… until you know what they’ve been listening to?

Open Accordion Item

  • Executive Producer / Managing Director
    • Dotti Sinnott
  • Executive Producer
    • Tan Jones
  • Creative Director
    • Stefan Falconer
  • Head of Production
    • Heidi Stephenson
  • Talent Director
    • Henry Purrington
  • Art Director
    • Amanda Godreau
  • Producer
    • Simon Spender
  • Production Coordinator
    • Dani Bordelon
  • Production Assistant
    • Abbie James
  • Resource Coordinator
    • Beatriz Rodrigues
  • Footage Researcher
    • Stefan Ahmad
    • Peter Davies
  • Designers
    • Yael Bloom
    • Jeff Addeh
    • Diego Lumbreas Rodriguez
    • Rebeca Cesa
    • Yat Fung Leung
    • Andy Cambiasso
    • João Mestre
    • Dan Mountford
    • Cash & Carry Studio
  • Motion Graphics
    • Yael Bloom
    • Stefan Ahmad
    • Murilo Almeida
    • Andrés Clerc
    • Carlos Fernandez
    • Michael Müller
  • 2D Animation
    • Kensei Thomas
  • 3D Animation
    • Ian Pinder
    • Covert
  • Editors
    • Karl Fekete
    • Murilo Almeida
  • Sound
    • Take Your Medicine